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Björn Koop

Static and dynamic properties of uniform- and vortex-states in synthetic nanomagnets

Time: Wed 2016-06-15 13.00 - 16.00

Location: FB54

Participating: Björn Koop

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Title: Static and dynamic properties of uniform- and vortex-states in synthetic nanomagnets
Candidate: Björn Koop
Time: Wednesday June 15, 2016, at 13:00
Location:  Room FB54, Albanova, Roslagstullsbacken 21, KTH, Stockholm
Supervisor: Prof. Vladislav Korenivski

Abstract: Synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) consist of two thin ferromagnetic particles separated by a thin nonmagnetic spacer. The magnetic moments of the two particles couple antiparallel via dipolar interactions, with the interlayer exchange interaction suppressed by a suitable choice of the spacer material. The SAF system studied in this thesis contains thin elliptical-in-the-plane permalloy particles magnetized uniformly and mutually antiparallel in the ground state. A SAF can also exhibit long-lived metastable nonuniform magnetization states, such as spin-vortex pairs. The thesis explores hysteresis and spin dynamics in: (i) uniformly magnetized SAFs and (ii) SAFs in the vortex-pair state.

The uniformly magnetized antiparallel ground state of a symmetrical SAF, having identical ferromagnetic particles, is double  degenerate. The resonance modes are in-phase (acoustical) and out-of-phase (optical) oscillations of the magnetic moments. Asymmetry between the two magnetic layers is shown to lift the degeneracy of the antiparallel ground state, which in the static regime results in unequal stability of the two states. In the dynamic regime, the asymmetries are shown to result in a splitting of the resonance frequency of the new non-degenerate ground states. The resulting resonant-mode splitting can be used to selectively switch between the antiparallel ground states by resonant microwave or thermal activation of the system.

The static and dynamic properties of the vortex pairs in SAFs were found to be strongly dependent on the relative orientation of the vortex chiralities and vortex-core polarizations in the two ferromagnetic particles of the SAF. For parallel core polarizations, a strong monopole-like core-core interaction is found to dominate the magnetic properties of the system, increasing the characteristic resonance frequency by an order of magnitude.  Analytical theory and numerical micromagnetic simulations are used to explain the measured responses.