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Relativistic attosecond physics

Prof. László Veisz, Department of Physics, Umeå University.

Tid: To 2017-10-26 kl 09.00 - 09.45

Plats: FB52

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Generation of laser light with relativistic intensities, in which free electrons quiver with almost the speed of light, is routine nowadays. Similarly, the production of low-energy, field-controlled, quasi-single-cycle laser pulses is performed in various laboratories. However, the combination of these two properties in a unique light source -an optical parametric synthesizer- is only available in the relativistic attosecond physics laboratories (REAL). This system and its application to generate the shortest energetic extreme ultraviolet flashes and electron pulses with duration in the attosecond regime (1 as = 10-18 s) will be introduced. These flashes form the basis of filming electron dynamics as they freeze the motion of electrons in matter.

About the speaker:

László Veisz, received PhD in 2003 from Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. Afterwards he worked in close collaboration with Prof. Ferenc Krausz at Technical University of Vienna, and later at Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Laboratory for Attosecond and High-Field Physics, where he developed laser source with the world’s most intense ultrashort pulses for laser-plasma electron acceleration. Since 2016 he is professor at Umeå University where he established Relativistic Attosecond physics Laboratory (REAL). Thanks to the energy of László Veisz and substantial commitment from the Umeå University, the lab now has unique capabilities for nonlinear spectroscopy on attosecond time-scale, laser acceleration and control of relativistic electrons, therefore paving the way for ultra-brilliant electron and X-ray sources. The description of the lab is at www.realumu.org