Postdoc in the integration of lithium niobate and silicon photonic waveguides

The Nonlinear and Quantum Photonics group at KTH, in collaboration with VTT-Finland is offering a postdoctoral research position to develop a low-loss technology for chip-scale integration of lithium niobate and silicon photonic circuits. The position is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to promote Swedish-Finnish cooperation in the area of quantum technology in synergy with WACQT, the Swedish initiative for quantum technology.

The applicants’ PhD should have been awarded no more than 3 years prior to the application deadline, excluding law-entitled leave.
N.B. Applicants should be ready to spend some work periods (6 months in total over 24 months) also at VTT, in the Helsinki region in Finland.
For more information you can contact Prof. Katia Gallo at Applied Physics