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14.00 - 14.30 - Registration at AlbaNova entrance (level 5) and coffee and sandwiches (at level 4)

14.30 - 15.40 - Talks in Oskar Klein Auditorium (FR4)

Welcome by Head of Department, Peter Unsbo and Deputy Head of Department, Oscar Tjernberg

Joint facilities at the Department - Thomas Frisk, BioX.

Cryo-EM techniques at SciLife Swedish National facility - Marta Carroni

Title to be announced - Jonas Sellberg, Assistant Prof. BioX

15.40 - 16.00 - Break

16.00 - 17.00 - Talks by Applied Physic Alumni in Oskar Klein Auditorium (FR4)

Tales from a coiner - Jonas Almlöf, Alumni AlbaNova

Pierre-Jean Rigole, Energimyndigheten, Alumni Kista

Slowly diffusing out of academia - Jacob Kowalewski, Alumni SciLife

17.00 - 18.45 - Poster Session and mingle (At level 4)

19.15 - Dinner at Syster O Bror and announcement of the winners of Applied Physics Poster Prize